Monday, May 12, 2008

EXP3- first ut's, MashUp, First 18 perspectives



Steve Jobs insists in dressing celebrities in clingy and revealing gowns, women, he would say, hold up half the sky. Jobs was crucified for playing one of the most anti-feminist outsiders. Women had no rights by renovating older stores, repurchasing franchised stores and expanding a leather goods and accessory line, women were able to salvage some dignity. Mr. Jobs freed china at the time of Gianni Versace’s death.

Zhang Yin also understands the corrupt and controlling girlish bubble-gum pink iPod. Attractive for consumers the world’s richest self-made women wants to expand leather goods and accessory lines. Survival depends upon the opportunity to make the same mistake. Mr Jobs ITouched barbarism he consistently championed the equality of women. Chelsea Clintion, Madonna and Gwyneth Palthrow may have worked a couple years ago, but they also transformed the role, expectations and education of women.

Hutton, W (2006) “Thanks to Mao, Zhang Yin’s a billionaire”, The Observer, October 15. Available on

Kaufman, L & Sorkin, A.R (2002) “Versace Family Seeks Partners to Regain Control of Stores”, New York Times, April 16. Available on

Carr, D (2007) “Steve Jobs: iCame, iSaw, iCaved”, New York Times, September 10. Available on

6 one point perspectives and 12 two point perspectives

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