Friday, June 20, 2008

EXP3- Final Filefront

I am currently experiencing a problem with loading my mover file to filefront. This could be because I had to compress the file when changing between computers. Will be loaded asap.

Names are not what russel allocated because they were to long to save.


Draft 2

Draft 1

EXP3- Final UT without movers

I had a problem where my computer does not have Mover properties, I took the map to school computer, however it would not open.
I therefore uploaded the map with movers, which move randomly and way to fast.
I hope to find a computer which I can use to edit the mover properties, however If i can't this gives the main idea.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

EXP3- Final UT images

This area is designed to incorporate Jobs power of knowledge and the ability to develop technology. The moving parts represent the changing environments Jobs can create through technology and his ability to control the environments around him.

The meeting space incorporates Veraces sense of image as power, while also respecting Jobs need for privacy and secrecy in his work. The contrast between the Right and Left side of the table is important in understanding the different ideas of power between Jobs and Versace. The crafted, elegant and polish right side of the table, represents Versace power of image and fame. In contrast Jobs left side is random, bulky and unfinished representing the idea of knowledge as power, his ability to continuous shape ideas.

This space represents Versace as a product. The extravagant colour represents her need for attention. Her glass space, incorporates the idea of her in a shop window, but also is shaped like a diamond to elevate her importance.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

EXP3- SketchUp

Meeting Place Table

The contrast between the two sides of the table explore the different concepts of power between Jobs and Versaces. Versaces side is polished and details, exploring the idea that she is all about her presentation, her image. In contrast, Jobs side is randomly crafted, showing his power to shape environments.

Elevator Jobs

Job's elevator like his side of the table explore his power to create. The different environments move randomly within the space, showing the many roads he could explore.

Elevator Versace

Versace's elevator represents her a a product by mimicing a glass box. The elevator is small and easy to fall off, representing her struggle to be "perfect". The inside has shattered glass on the wall symbolising that her inside is not as polished and perfect as the outside.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

EXP3- Draft UT

I have developed Versace's space to be placed in a 'auditorium'. By including this public seating area I hope to emphasises the importance of fame and acknowledgement for Versaces power to thrive.

The elevator shaft is representation of a runway. Exaggerating the idea of Versace as a product and marketing tool.

Versaces space sits above the 'stadium' of people, so that she can also be seen by people outside the seating area.

Job's space is shaped to show growth. Awkward spaces are created and interlock with eachother. This in turn is representation of Jobs power to create products that shape and change markets.

EXP3- Original SketchUp Ideas

Steve Jobs uses his knowledge as his means of power. By creating a brand and molding its purpose to fit consumer demand, Jobs has created a position of power. Jobs develops products which have the ability to change understandings and regularities. This space shows a sculpture shape, representing Job's ability to sculpt his products and therefore the minds of the consumer. The elevator is part of the sculpted design, showing that Job's ability to control different elements is further then the obvious products.

This elevator is designed to 'exhibit' Donatella Versace as if in a shop window. Versace's uses her image as her means of power. By portraying herself as the 'perfect' specimen, Versace is able to exert her power and manipulate consumers to buy her products.

Donatella's working space also represents the idea of image as power. This space represents Donatella as a mannequin and marketing strategy for the brand. Donatella has become the product.

EXP3- Tip

Ask for help... Saves hours of messing around