Tuesday, June 3, 2008

EXP3- Original SketchUp Ideas

Steve Jobs uses his knowledge as his means of power. By creating a brand and molding its purpose to fit consumer demand, Jobs has created a position of power. Jobs develops products which have the ability to change understandings and regularities. This space shows a sculpture shape, representing Job's ability to sculpt his products and therefore the minds of the consumer. The elevator is part of the sculpted design, showing that Job's ability to control different elements is further then the obvious products.

This elevator is designed to 'exhibit' Donatella Versace as if in a shop window. Versace's uses her image as her means of power. By portraying herself as the 'perfect' specimen, Versace is able to exert her power and manipulate consumers to buy her products.

Donatella's working space also represents the idea of image as power. This space represents Donatella as a mannequin and marketing strategy for the brand. Donatella has become the product.

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